Crocheting Pattern:
1. magic circle: six stitches
2. 6 increase stiches at every stich makes 12 stitches total
3. 6 increase stitches every other stitch makes 18 stitches total
4. 6 increase stitches ever third stitch makes 24 stitches total
5. 6 increase stitches every fourth stitch makes 30 stitches total
6-8 3 rows of thirty stitches each
9. 6 decrease stitches every fourth stitch makes 24 stitches total
10. 6 decrease stitches every third stitch makes 18 stitches total
11. 6 decrease stitches every other stitch makes 12 stitches total
12. 6 decrease stitches every stitch makes 6 stitches total
13. 3 stitches by. skipping every other stitch
closing it up: tie a double overhand close to the last stitch and melt to seal